Innovative Farming Technology for

High-Yield Agriculture

Spray your farm at the push of a button

Experience and Expertise

A complete, sustainable, and ready-to-go, agricultural spraying solution

Design & Production

The innovative solution enables both spot spraying and conventional broadcast spraying applications.

Shipping & Managing

The ability to precisely spray your entire farmland. The drones are specifically engineered to create a path that bypasses trees and electrical wires.

SprayBot - Precision Spraying Sustainable Farming High Yields a click away

About Us…

Spraybot is India’s leading agri-tech company, our technology has been proven to be flexible and feasible for farmers around all the states of India. Our drones, equipped with the latest technology, provide invaluable real-time data, enabling farmers to monitor crop health, optimize irrigation, and streamline farm operations. Spraybot’s technology can reduce labor, operational, and service costs while boosting productivity and safety.


Team Member


Happy Clients

What we do…

A complete, sustainable, and ready-to-go, agricultural spraying solution.
           • Dramatic chemicals reduction (scouting/zoning to spot spraying)
           • Dramatic operational costs reduction
           • High-availability and precise application

Finished Projects


Hours of Work

Last but not least…

The Spraybot team comprises entrepreneurs with over 20 years experience in establishing and managing successful companies, deep technology development and global business development. Spraybot boasts excellent and experienced hardware and software engineers with PhD degrees from leading Indian universities. The company’s investors, board members and advisors bring a rich background of entrepreneurship and management in the agro-tech field. An example for the uniqueness and commitment of the team is becoming certified as drone pilots and agricultural sprayers during the development of the company.

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